Contact Info
Business address
186 Hurontario st, Suite 203, Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 4T4

Georgian Bay Dental Hygiene
Cheryl Hildebrandt
Registered Dental Hygienist
Cheryl has been a Collingwood Dental Hygienist for nearly 30 years. "Throughout my career I have met many patients I call my friends. I am as dedicated today to patients care as I was the first day I graduated from Dental Hygiene."
Your dental hygienist is an important member of the oral health care team, providing professional treatment and a collaborative effort with local dentist referrals to support and promote total wellness. We live in the Georgian Bay because we want to have a healthy lifestyle, dental hygiene care, is just one part, it's about whole body health!
Cheryl is registered with the College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario (CDHO), which regulates the profession to ensure the public receives safe and effective dental hygiene care and is a member of the Ontario Dental Hygiene Assoc. and Canadian Hygiene Assoc.
At Georgian Bay Dental Hygiene infection control is still a high priority even as there are continuous changes we are facing.
We offer the latest and most updated technology in dental hygiene care.
Graduated from the University of New England, Maine.
We accept all dental insurance as well as the NEW Canadian Dental Care plan.
Look forward to meeting you!

Why is your Dental Cleanings so valuable for your overall health?
Oral health is whole body health....studies confirm that bacteria, the inflammatory proteins -CRP proteins from diseased gums, travel
through the bloodstream and contribute to a number of inflammatory disorders, one such disease contributes to the formation of artery-clogging plaques. It is also believed that infection and inflammation may contribute to infective endocarditis, a condition in which the interior lining of the heart and heart valves become inflamed, If left untreated, this condition could lead to a fatal infection. As our society ages, bacterial respiratory infections are caused by the aspiration or inhaling of germs from the mouth and throat into the lungs contributing to increased difficulty in breathing. We have learned that people with diabetes are more prone to a variety of bacterial infections, including gum disease, than people without diabetes, diabetics impaired immune health contributes.
We provide patients with the knowledge and tools they need to make healthier choices to achieve optimal health, this is our goal at Georgian Bay Dental Hygiene.
We communicate and educate, the importance of good oral hygiene and give you the tools to assist you to maintain good oral health goals.
Your Dental hygienist, is an important member of the oral health care team, providing professional treatment and advice to help prevent gum disease, periodontal disesase and dental cavities, as well as to support and promote total body wellness.
Oral Cancer Screening
Oral cancer often causes symptoms at an early stage. Early diagnosis is key.
Diagnosis is the key process of identifying and finding out the cause of an oral health concern.
A visual and tactile exam allows your dental hygienist to look for any signs of oral cancer.
assessing facial symmetry, speech, swallowing, breathing and hearing
carefully examine the oral cavity
A tactile exam for any unusual lumps, bumps or swelling on the inside of the mouth, including the cheeks and lip, feel the floor of the mouth, tongue and roof of the mouth, check and tongue movements, and feel the neck for any unusual lumps or swelling. ***Early diagnosis is key for a favourable outcome.***